
Token Details

Did You Know?

The $MERU ERC-20 smart contract has been deployed on the Ethereum Sepolia Testnet and Ethereum Mainnet, coinciding with Gmail’s 20th birthday on April 1st, 2024.

Token Generation Event (TGE) Date: TBD
  • Token Name: Meru AI
  • Symbol: $MERU
  • Blockchain: Ethereum Mainnet
  • Max Supply: 100,000,000
  • Marketing & Promo Allocation: 5%
  • CEX Listings: 5%
  • Liquidity Providers & Market Makers: 5%
  • Treasury: 5% (Locked)
  • Burn: 25%
  • Uniswap Liquidity Pool: 55% (Locked)
  • Buy & Sell Tax: 5% (3% Marketing, 2% Development)
  • Contract Address: 0x1c9deea42e6fe0900f584c896bceebfcb16bb778

Safety & Governance

  • The $MERU ERC-20 token smart contract will be renounced after the first milestone of the launch to ensure its success. This means no contracts can be called after deployment.
  • Liquidity Pool will be locked post-launch on UNCX Network to guarantee the safety and security of your investment in our token.
  • Team and private sale allocations will also be locked on UNCX Network and vested.
  • The $MERU ERC-20 token smart contract will have a comprehensive security audit by CertiK in the future.

Role of Our Token & Benefits of Holding

  • Holders of the $MERU ERC-20 token will share in the revenue generated by our DApp.
  • Revenue from subscriptions and usage of Meru AI is shared with the community periodically, distributed proportionally based on your holdings.
  • For instance, if you hold 1% of the $MERU supply, you are entitled to 1% of the monthly generated revenues.
  • The ‘Revenue Sharing’ program offers a unique incentive for holding our token.
